Peak 9,700 - North Face
The north Face of "Offcourse Peak". Our line started from the lowest ice,
and went strait up.
Approaching Offcourse after an failed attempt on the face on the right.
Phil also gets the bug to climb this morning, and he follows me up.
Phil takes over the lead.
The sun begins to rise on our steep face.
Phil leads through the snow until the base of the last ice section above.
Dave leads out towards the cornice on pitch 6. Getting tired now... Photo:
Phil Fortier
Phil follows, and the ice gets steeper. (60 degrees)
Phil heel hooks himself over the small steep breech in the cornice.
Phil on the West ridge after topping out on the face.
Dave reaches the summit, which happens to be double corniced! Photo: Phil
Upper North ridge of Flightpath Peak.
Base Camp Peak (left) and camp down in the valley below.
Phil coming down from Offcourse Peak.