Fuggs Falls, The Emerald, Trotskys

January 23rd & 26th, 2008

Cold weather in Seattle made for good conditions over in the coulee's of Eastern Washington. With temperatures reaching down into the teens and single digits, the classic Fuggs Falls at Vantage was in. Marcus and I drove out to the standard Frenchman's Coulee parking lot and hoofed it up over the mesa to the sunshine wall, then around to the base of the climb. As usual, Fuggs delivered two fun pitches of WI3 to 3+.

fuggs falls
Marcus and Fuggs Falls

Marcus leading p1
Marcus leading the first pitch


Fuggs Falls p2
Dave leading the second pitch. Photo by Marcus

Michiel and I drove out to the Banks Lake area on Saturday and climbed the Emerald and Trotskys Folly. Most climbs were in fairly good condition, but with warmer temperatures and cloud cover they were begining to drip.

Michiel on the approach to the Emerald

The Emerald
The Emerald

Michiel climbing the last step on the Emerald.

Dave climbing Trotsky's Folly. Wet and wild!
Photo by Michiel

Frozen cord makes good balast

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