El Capitan - East ButtressSeptember 17th, 2003The day after coming down off the Nose, Eric was ready to get moving again. We decided to climb El Cap "one way or the other", and the East Buttress looked classic. We used the SuperTopo, which was available on a little 4x6" laminated card in the mountain shop. We started the route at 6 a.m., not three minutes ahead of a guided party, and were the first ones on route.
I got the offwidth pitch, so I racked up all our big gear (up to #4 camalot) and headed up. The OW is more like a roof on a steep slab that you need to traverse left in and then back up as it curves around. This makes the traditional stuffing-shit-in-the-crack technique useless, so when I got to the base of the real wideness, I plugged in that #4. Unlike some OWs, there also weren't jams to reach deep in for, so after a few insecure arm bars, I started laybacking up the thing. The edge was sharp and I started to really move. Before I knew it I was nearing the top, about 20 ft out from my last piece. But sure enough, just at the critical moment when you need to crawl back inside, the lip of the crack rounded out. There was a small foot hold off left, and I tried to jab my foot for it, but as I reached out, my upper hand slipped out of the crack and I lurched backward. Just barely catching myself with my lower hand, I crammed my foot to the hold and hauled myself into the squeeze chimney for a rest. It was so tight that it was hard to breathe, but eventually I kept going and made a belay at the first ledge I found. Whew!
Tom was talking to us on the radio all throughout the OW pitch, getting annoyed that his calls weren't generally being answered. Finally he said, "Hey you guys, we've got some grandparents down here who want to know what it's like up there." I had just setup my belay and was huffing and puffing still, but inspired by the great Barry Blanchard, I pulled out my radio. "Tom, climbing that offwidth was like having sex with death!" The grandparents quickly moved on with their vacations...