Sahale Peak

Doug, Victor and I on the summit. What a view!

Sahale ended up being our bailout plan for the N. Face of Buckner.  Due to the terrible weather, we descided to leave all the technical gear in the car, and climb fast.  The Sahale Glacier is about 4,000 feet up from the parking lot at the top of the Sahale Arm.  The glacier was so solid this year there wasn't a crevasse in sight.  We climbed up through the fog on a 40 degree bearing until we hit the ridge top.  Contouring to the far side of the ridge of Sahale's craggy top, we followed a short traverse on ledges.  From here we worked up and left on 4th and low fifth class rock to the summit. Ah, what a beautiful view! (or so I've heard!)

And now for the down climb!

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