Who we are

About Scenic

How to Help





How to Help

Donate Money (Join SPA)
Donate Time/Services
Donate goods

Donate Money

Our main objective right now is to raise enough money to buy the property on which the hot springs are located, and your tax-deductible donation would be hugely appreciated in our advancement towards this goal.

We accept donations in any denomination, and for a donation of $20, you may become a member of the Scenic Preservation Association.

Please make checks out to: Scenic Preservation Association

and send them to:

Scenic Preservation Association
P.O. Box 268
Skykomish, WA 98288-0268

along with your name, mailing address, e-mail address and phone number.

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Donate Time/Services

Please send us your name and contact information along with your skills/ desire to help. At this phase our main occupation is fundraising, but later in the process there will be more opportunity for volunteers in activities ranging from trail construction and maintenance, to public outreach, to restoration, and on and on!

* Fundraisers
* Landscape Architects
* Grant Writers
* Skills in breaking large granite boulders into usable slabs
* Rock wall builders
* Lawyers
* Printing/copying services

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Donate Goods

* Postage stamps

We will add items to this list as time progresses

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